5 Brides in St. Joseph! – A Bridal Friends Shoot!

Hello! If you found yourself on this page, you are a professional photographer looking to have some fun in a workshop-environment with other photographers, all while having a rare chance to shoot something very unique – A Bridal Friends Shoot!

Here’s the situation: At a recent wedding over the summer, I was photographing a bride and her friends, when it came to light that they had all gotten married within the last 2 years and this was the LAST of them. Now these aren’t just ordinary friends, each one has been there in each other’s lives for over 20 years, since they were around 4 or 5. (They met in gymnastics class!)

They approached me with an idea: What if we got all 5 of the girls back in their wedding dresses for one incredible photo shoot in the beautiful town of St. Joseph, MI? And would I be interested in shooting it?

The PLAN: 5 GORGEOUS brides get into their bridal gowns, and have fun in 2 different locations. 1. The Beach. 2. Downtown St. Joseph. (Possibly 3. The lighthouse off the beach.)

  • This is a FUN shoot, whimsical, showing 5 friends together having a great time. This is NOT, however, a Trash The Dress session. The girls are being adventurous as it is, and will be open to many suggestions, but ruining their dresses is still not something they are interested in.
  • This IS a great chance for some unique portfolio work. Yes, by participating, you are allowed to blog and show the images you create in your portfolio.
  • This is ALSO a chance to be recognized. I want this to possibly become a trend. Friends getting together to have bridal shoots AFTER their weddings! More business for wedding photographers, but also something NEW that we can hopefully be on the forefront of.  After the shoot, I am going to push for a wedding magazine that is interested in picking it up for an article. At a recent mixer for THE KNOT, there was interest expressed from the regional president of the magazine, although nothing is ever guaranteed! But come on….5 beautiful brides?? Who can resist!

The Date: Sat, October 19, 2013 from 3pm until Sundown, then dinner afterwards to discuss everything!

The Cost: $150   This includes the cost of the Workshop, the rights to use the images in your portfolio, and dinner at a local restaurant of our choosing closer to the date. This also covers hair and makeup artists for the 5 brides. (We want them looking their best, right??)  Transportation TO and FROM St. Joseph, along with any overnight accomodations, is not included and is entirely up to you. (There will be a group on Facebook for communications about this, so ride-sharing is encouraged…make some new friends!

Also: By attending, you will be donating your favourite 5 high resolution digital images to the final product, which will be presented to the 5 brides as a thank-you for this opportunity. Not only will there be a prize for overall best image, but should they decide to print any of your images, all proceeds will go back to YOU, the artist, after lab cost.

What will be covered: You will be working alongside photographer Derek Cookson to learn how to create a connection with your clients, flattering the bride(s), and how to use the environment fully to achieve unique looks rather than the old “Stand there and smile.” If you have problems that plague you as a photographer, whether it be posing or equipment choices, lighting or creativity, nothing is off limits of what we can discuss and work to help you with. There will be opportunities for groups to split off and take a few brides on their own at a time, for a little one-on-one(or two). Provided we haven’t worn our ladies out by sundown, there is even an opportunity for a bonfire on the beach towards the end of the evening for us to work a little on our Off Camera Flash (OCF).

Who will benefit from this Workshop?: This workshop is great for both newer photographers looking to learn and portfolio build, or established photographers looking for a unique opportunity to be creative and work alongside everyone as peers.

The workshop will be strictly limited to 10 photographers only, so if you are interested, please email to reserve your spot now! (payment in full is your reservation, and is fully refundable up to 7 days before the event. Less than 7 days before the event, only 50% is refundable.)

If interested, EMAIL DEREK HERE: dcooksonphoto@gmail.com


  • September 25, 2013 - 8:25 am

    Becky Pies - Hi – should be very interesting! Love the idea ~ please let me know if you have two openings ~ I’d love for my second to come too! Becky I’m in but I’ll have to see about Kim – thanks!ReplyCancel

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